Sunday, April 12, 2009


And Last But Not Least (from Spring Break):

I was wading through ankle deep water with a dip net and I almost stepped on this…

My fiancé was walking on the bank and thought that he had heard a rattle snake - so distractedly I continued walking while looking in his direction. I saw something arch up from the water about 3 feet in front of me and before I could figure out what I was seeing, this alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) was halfway out in the pond. Definitely not a little guy, thankfully he wasn't angry enough to take a snap at my foot for confusing an alligator hiss with a rattlesnake rattle (gosh, who could make that mistake). Now - I am getting much better a keeping my eyes on where I am going when I am out herping.
I have a few more really awesome herps that I have found; a spring peeper (Psuedacris crucifer), a dwarf salamander (Eurycea quadridigitata), couple of snake pictures, and some salamander larvae... I will try to get pictures posted soon.

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