Friday, April 19, 2013

Class Mascot

Family Ambystomatidae, Genus Ambystoma, and Speicies talpoideum.
This creature is known as the mole salamander. I nominate the mole salamander to be the class mascot because of easily identifiable features in the field, stubby limbs and fat head. This species was found in aboundance on our Field trips. Also because of the family Ambystomatidae this species is a classic case facultative metamorphosis where some organisms of this species show metamorphic traits while other members show pedomorphic traits. The Mole Salamander should be our class mascot because of its aboundance in local populations, easily identifiable freatures, and the educational example of the complexity in salamanders life cycles/stages.

1 comment:

Herpetology Class said...

Where do herpetology student fall on the paedomorphic-metamorphic axis?