Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aquarium Means Free Food and Endless Poking From Small Children

The Diamondback Terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin. This one was lucky enough to be placed in the exhibit where the "do not touch" sign was easy to ignore. He was pretty small, maybe 15 cm in overall length. He is a semi-aquatic turtle with limbs that support walking as well as swimming and a slightly domed carapace which is also quite ornate. Typically found in marshes, swamps, and really any body of brackish water, the aquarium built display was relatively close to his natural habitat (kind of). He's probably a male due to smaller overall size. He also wasn't too shy, but after spending time being poked by countless people (including us) I suppose that isn't too strange.

-Hill Felton, SC
South Carolina Aquarium

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