Thursday, April 29, 2010

I Hear it but where it is?

As we stand by the bank of a small pond, we can hear the call of a frog we have all heard in class, and now we want to find it. The elusive wood frog, Rana Sylvatica. Let's all follow the sound and find the frog we all say. Easier said then done. For one, we scare the frog as we tromp across the pond, and what happens, it stops calling. Now it could be anywhere and is no longer calling. We all look around and find nothing. This little bugger got away this time. R. sylvatica, is about 2 inches in lingth with a stripe across its eye extending from snout to across eye. It is common in Ohio and most of the northern parts of North America. These are common to moist wooded areas, such as this small pond located in the woods we are in. This frog was near the pond to breed, and once this occurs, it will make its way from the pond and back to its life in the woods.
(Matt Friend)

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