Monday, April 14, 2014

Snakes in History

Since the beginning of time, snakes have had a bad reputation. Most notably in the bible, where the devil takes the form of a snake and coaxes Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. There are also many other negative portrayals of snakes throughout history, from movies to folk legends in which snakes are seen as dangerous, sly, cunning and mischievous. Snakes very well can be dangerous as we have learned with our local species of Crotalidae, but the negative portrayal of snakes has led to an unquestionable decision to kill them whenever they are spotted. As Tim (if I remember his name correctly) from the Francis Marion told us, the eastern diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus, is still being hunted down and slaughtered in southern states like ours. Even though these snakes are venomous, they aren't interested in hunting humans or coaxing them to eat forbidden fruits. Even though this species isn't currently a threatened species, preventative measures should be taken to keep them from becoming one!

The depiction of giant evil snakes in movies like Anaconda seriously affect the way that snakes are portrayed by people.


1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

Eastern diamondbacks are in severe decline due, in part, to this persecution. They are a "species of concern" in SC, and are under consideration for listing as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, which would provide federal protection for the species.