Monday, April 21, 2014

Frog Calls

I met some friends just past Interstate 95 on Interstate 26. They got caught in traffic, so I had a little spare time. I decided, since it was a pretty quiet exit, to go on a little walk. It was a long leaf pine ecosystem, and the ground soil seemed to be a mix of sand and clay. There was a few small stones, but once I got away from the gas station I was parked at, there were little to no human artifacts besides the road. I saw a small swamp/pond about 100 yards from the road in the forest, so I went down to see what I could see. There was an overgrown grassy field close-by. Once I stopped moving and the wildlife got used to my presence, I clearly heard the distinct "Peep-peep" of Pseudacris crucifer  and the call of Pseudacris nigrita. Their call reminds me of a bunch of glass bottles lined up and somebody dragging a stick across the sides.


Allison Welch said...

Cool! What time of year and what time of day?

Anonymous said...

That's so cool! Since learning the frog calls, I find myself being able to distinguish between them when I'm at my parents' house (they live near a wetland). I think it's pretty neat to be able to tell which frogs are around your house just based on their calls!