Friday, April 25, 2014

I nominate the Carolina anole as our class mascot. This organism is part of the family polychrotidae and its scientific name is Anolis carolinensis. I wrote one of my life history articles on these little rascals and attached is a photo of another anole that I recently came in contact with on my way to MUSC. I nominate this specific species because of their prominency in the area and because we recently found one on our last excursion and it made quite the impression on our group. This organism bit Jake Pimental which is regrettable, but luckily he is okay and there were no hard feelings. This animal will represent our class well because its visually appealing, with its granular scales and normally light green pigment. Specifically I think a male anole is the best choice as our mascot, not for sexist reasons, but because their reddish dewlap is more prominent and displays sexual dimorphism. This animal is arboreal and has toe pads which is a cool aspect as well. I mean, who wouldn't want to be able to climb trees with ease? This lizard does cool push-up like movements when it courts its mate and also when it defends its territory. Sometimes I also do push-ups to get the attention of the ladies, which draws a personal parallel between me and this organism, which only serves to reinforce that it is a good choice as our mascot.

1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

Convincing argument - particularly about the push-ups. (Perhaps letting oneself get bit by an anole has some parallels with this type of behavioral display, as well.)