Friday, April 25, 2014

Class Mascot Nominee: Ambystoma talpoideum

Ambystoma talpoideum for Class Mascot!
In our herpetology class, I believe we all agree that we have learned way more about amphibians and reptiles then we thought we could ever know. One of the most interesting facts that I learned was paedomorphism and how often it occurs. Salamanders in my opinion are one of the herps that does not get the attention they deserve in relation to the other herps. Salamanders are each in their own ways unique and show such diversity in life history, life styles, and how they look and more specifically the Ambystoma talpoideum. I think after what we have learned in our class this semester having a herp that is so unique in itself and with how it determines its life history by both external and internal cues gives it a rightful place as a nominee for our class mascot. Not only that, but we spent so much time when discussing salamanders with a lot of focus on family Ambystomatidae, the mole salamanders. So why not have the big honcho, Ambystoma talpoideum nicknamed the mole salamander represent us. He is different and what he does in his life is dependent on him and the environment around him, kind of like the students in the class. We also found one the very last field trip and everyone thought he was cute with the black base and silver blue speckles. For these reasons I believe Ambystoma talpoideum should be out class mascot.

Kimmy Profitko
Class Mascot Nominee

1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

A very charismatic character!