Monday, April 18, 2022

Mascot Nominee: Ornate Box Turtle

From all our trips and field work, I believe that the most deserving herpe to be our mascot is the Ornate Box Turtle.

Terrapene ornata and populations of other turtle species are critically declining due various anthropogenic factors. For instance, this turtle is facing endangerment in the Great Plains due to developmental expansion, habitat fragmentation from roads, and over collection for sale. Interestingly and unfortunately, the Ornate Box Turtle is subject to illegal capture and trade with Asian countries who practice traditional medicine and treatments. Turtles such as these are now forced into protected sanctuaries to ensure their survival. I am sure our class is grateful to be able to learn about these issues and discover groups of people, especially the TSA, that dedicate their time and efforts towards the preservation and betterment of these threatened animals.    

1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

Here is an image of an ornate box turtle:
and its local relative, the eastern box turtle: