Wednesday, April 29, 2020

It's the little things that make the world go round

This post doesn't fall into any category for submission even though I will be referencing a literature piece and also kind of relating it to our class as a type of a life lesson/mascot. While I was searching for a literature piece and later attempting to decide on mascot, I was reminded of the old fable. The Tortoise and the Hare. As most of us were taught this story as a child, I'll just a quick overview of what occurs. One day the hare is making fun of a tortoise for being extremely slow and never reaching its destination, the tortoise wittingly replies that it does reach its destination sooner than you may think. This leads the tortoise to challenge the hare to a race and the hare accepts. The hare jumps out to a large lead and thinking it has won the race, decides to take a nap and wait for the tortoise to catch up, however the hare sleeps to long and wakes up right before the tortoise finishes and attempts to catch up, but fails and the tortoise wins. The obvious lesson here is that doing things quickly and carelessly does not always mean success, slow and steady can provide equally sufficient if not much better work. I felt this piece relates to our current global situation in slightly different but unique manner. We as a species have always been conquering lands, discovering new technological and medical concepts, and rushing around trying to outdo one another as if it were all not one united species. This pandemic rocked the world, causing panic and locking billions of people in their homes and forcing them to adjust to a new normal. We have always been in such a hurry to create the next big thing or set the next the trend that we rarely give ourselves time to breathe and focus on ourselves. These last few months we've been locked away and have discovered what we truly love and find most important. It has given us a new perspective on what makes us who we are and a lot of people realized how distanced they had become from what really made them happy or what made them go to work and spend all those hours not at home. Though this virus has caused us pain and loss, it has also been an awakening that we need to prioritize our loved ones, both friends and family, and not forget why we go through these struggles when things begin to return to normal. We are capable of anything but that doesn't mean we have to try to do it all by tomorrow. We must live in the now with the people who are apart of our present and not focus on what may lie ahead because that is out of our control. During this time try to find new hobbies or even reminisce on old ones you had lost time for during your busy lives. We will get through this just as the hare said "quicker than you think", just don't let that be where your mind focuses. I hope everyone is doing well and these words help some find peace and others find drive for the now. Thank you for reading and congratulations to all the 2020 graduates!