Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Natural History:
Anolis Carolinensis

                Last week, I witnessed two male Carolina anoles (anolis carolinensis) fighting for territorial space.  Both had fully extended dewlaps (the fleshy pink skin that extends from under the mouth). The Corolina anole is capable of changing colors very rapidly and can range from bright green to dark brown.  The two I saw changed colors constantly and had their mouths wide open when they were fighting.  No wrestling took place but their mouths interlocked quite a few times.
                The dewlap is used for courtship and territorial behavior.  In courtship, the dewlap is extended and bobbing takes place as a dance ritual to attract a mate.  When a female deems a male worth for sex, the male positions his tail underneath the female's tail near her vent. I could not find very much information regarding the territorial purpose of the dewlap but I can assume it is for scaring the other male by appearing more dominant.
                I would also like to note that my roommate kicked the two anoles while I was watching them, displaying his lack of intelligence like a widely drawn dewlap.  Anoles are very aware of their surrounding and males are very invasive, but they are no match for humans. Be nice and let them duke it out!

1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

But, does she love him for his dewlap or for his territory?