Monday, April 28, 2008

Real Quick - Last summer at the Aquarium!

This is my good friend Mandy Tripp. She works at the South Carolina Aquarium and I went to visit her last summer and took some pictures! These are similar to the organisms that we saw on our

last field trip. The Eastern King Snake, aka. Inky, was definitely an organism of interest in our lab class, so I'm glad I got a picture of it! Also seen is a Columbian boa constrictor. Her name is Rosie! Next seen is a bearded dragon named Baby! We didn't see him this time around, but I wish we had. He was really docile and just a neat little guy. Then there were the baby crocodiles! Holy cow, they were cute. On our field trip, there was one who was apparently sick. He wasn't nearly as active as the other two little guys in the tank, and he would just do the dead man's float. I felt so sorry for him. I hope he turns our alright. Ok. I'll stop blogging! (Anne Chalmers)

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