Sunday, April 6, 2008

Coal + Clearcutting = Herps?

Sorry about two posts in a row... but this one is an out-of-state-er.
Over spring break I did an alternative spring break in Tennessee (salamander country) building a piece of the Cumberland Gap Trail.
The landscape was much harsher than expected (especially when you have to move boulders around, I suppose), but that didn't keep me from finding a few prime specimens.A slimy salamander (Plethodon glutinosis). I thought it was a blue spotted salamander (deceptive...) until it slimed all over my work gloves. Sorry about the fuzzyness. There were many escape attempts.
I also saw a plethora of two-lined salamanders and mountain chorus frogs.
There was one pair I caught in amplexus, but I felt it would be rude to take a photo.


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