Thursday, March 17, 2022

Natural history: Asian Big-headed turtle

 Natural history: Asian Big-headed turtle

We encountered this turtle on a field trip to the turtle alliance center (it is a secret guarded place so not quite sure if it's the name of the place). Its scientific name is Platysternon megacephalum and its common name is the asian big headed turtle. This turtle was picked up by its caregiver and shown to the class. This turtle had a big head that it couldn't retract into its shell like other turtles can. 

This turtle is a part of the family Platysternidae that originates from Southeast Asia and southern China. They are critically endangered on the IUCN Red List because of overexploitation. They are eaten and sold and collected for the international pet trade. Their habitat includes narrow fast streams and rivers. The asian big headed turtles are known to be climbers. They aren’t strong swimmers. They use their claws, tail, and beak to assist in climbing over obstacles within the streams etc. This turtle eats fishes, snails, molluscs, and crustaceans. 

I believe that this turtle was maybe approximately 30 cm. It was a little hard to tell because I wasn’t able to measure it or be closer to it. I wasn’t able to determine if it was a male or female but I found out that male carapaces are more concave than the female’s. This turtle was a dark brown, almost looking black in some areas. I enjoyed going to this turtle center where I got to see different types of turtles and learn more about them. Also, to be able to learn more about what this center is doing and how they are working to try to save the turtles that are in danger of being extinct and trying to regrow their populations.

1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

Very cool! Is this a full-grown individual?