Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Spring is here! Natural History: Southern Toad

I know spring has arrived when I have to start zig-zagging around the toads as I drive through my neighborhood at night. I found this adult Southern Toad (Anaxyrus terrestris) outside of my house in Mount Pleasant. We live across the street from a pond and based on the calls I've been hearing over the past few weeks this little guy or gal lives in close proximity to some Spring Peepers and Squirrel Tree Frogs. I identified this toad by the pronounced knobs on it's cranial crests. It was sitting on the sidewalk where I assume it was waiting for a tasty insect to wander across it's path. Can anyone tell the sex of this toad?

1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

Hmmm, is that a pelvic patch?