Sunday, March 17, 2019

Banded Watersnake (Nerodia fasciata)

While at Caw-Caw Park our herpetology class was using a boardwalk to make our way to the next trap set location when I rustle in the grasses caught my eye. I turned to find a large (seemingly) all black snake just lounging about in the tall grasses possibly basking or heat absorption. This snake was identified as a Banded Watersnake using the slightly visible red banding on the dorsal surface and the staggering small hill shaped marks along its ventral surface. This species is native to the coastal planes of the south eastern states with lakes, ponds and marshes being its primary habitat where they primarily prey on small fish and amphibians. It was pretty humbling to see the snake in such a relaxed state after just being told to watch out for cottonmouths. If it wasn't so far away from the boardwalk I would have loved to get a close look at it with the class.

1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

How large was this individual?