Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Nomination for Class Mascot- American Alligator

After much consideration, I am nominating the American alligator as our class mascot. Not only did we see about 50 of these outstanding creatures in person (last field trip=best field trip), but we've learned about them and studied them throughout the entirety of this course.

The first reason I think the American alligator, or Alligator mississippiensis, should be our class mascot is because they are the largest reptile in North America. Similarly, the College of Charleston is the 6th biggest college in South Carolina (I know, it's not first, but it's still significant!) Second, we as a class got to witness these amazing animals in person, and observe their behavior first-hand! We saw sizes ranging from juveniles to HUGE adults, and everything in between! They are local to our area and represent the low-country well.

Lastly, the essence of the American alligator represents our class as a whole. Just like our class, they are unique, fun to watch, and they know how to have a good time :)

Image result for american alligator
(They also look like they are smiling sometimes and it's actually very cute)


Anonymous said...

You made so many good points as to why the American alligator should be our mascot that I nearly decided not to suggest anything else!

Allison Welch said...

Great nomination - a worthy candidate indeed!