Sunday, April 12, 2009


I found a few things over spring break (1st week of march) that I have been a little too busy to post. I am going to take just a few minutes now to do so... So the first is this little guy, I found around some logs laying across a large puddle of water. I think that it is a young bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) because it doesn't have a dorsolateral ridge (like in the bronze frog, Rana clamitans) and the tip of the fourth toe extends pass the webbing (unlike in the pig frog, Rana grylio ). I turned him loose before I checked to be sure I got a good picture, so this is the only one I have, which really stinks because he was so adorable; he was mostly green, less than 2 inches in length with a very large round mouth.

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