Thursday, April 27, 2023

Class mascot (Northern glass frog)

Family: Centrolenidae

Genius: Hyalinobatrachium

Species: Hyalinobactrachium fleischmanni

I nominate the glass frog to be the mascot for out class for the reasons below:

- The glass frog has transparent/translucent skin which is why "glass" is in the common name for the frog. You are able to see through it's little body and see it's organs, bones, and beating heart. I think as a whole, we all came into this class pretty open-minded and ready to learn (even in my case lol). 

- These frogs are very unique in the terms of the places the frog chooses to reproduce at. Some lay their eggs on leaves that are over bodies of water. Nothing related to the reproduction of the frog is comparable to the class but we did visit some unique and interesting places- most with bodies of water.

- Just some lasting key points of interest: There are 150+ species of these frogs and they are all so cute. They live mainly in South and North America.

~ Christina Boykin

1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

Some great parallels to you all as a class! Plus, with their parental care and friendly look, I think glass frogs represent the cooperation and teamwork you all have demonstrated this semester!