Thursday, May 2, 2013

I caught this Tree Lizard (Urosaurus ornatus) outside of my house sunning itself on a rock wall. It was one of the more difficult lizards I have attempted to catch by hand because it is so quick. The lizard itself was a large male adult, roughly five inches, being nearly the max size for this species. I could tell it was a male from the blue coloring on its underside which was quite vibrant at the time I caught this lizard. Even though this is a common species in the area this is the first time I have managed to catch and identify a member of the species. The coloring of this lizard against the white rock wall it was resting on was how I managed to spot this Tree lizard in the first place. I handled the lizard for about five minutes or so attempting to identify it and take the best quality photo I could with an iPhone then released it on the rock wall where I found it. After had released the lizard the animal decided it needed to do a few pushups before scurrying off behind the rock wall. 


Unknown said...

Those little buggers are fast

Unknown said...
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