Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Heterodon platyrhinos ~Eastern hognose
!!!!! LOOK HOW SCARY!!!!!

So Why Should You Vote for This Sensationally Special Serpent?
  1. Well-trained in Shakespearean acting, particularly Hamlet
  2. Amazing mimicking skills
  3. So adorable
  4. This guy was so incredibly photogenic
  5. Bravery
  6. SUPER CUDDLY!! He may look menacing, but they very rarely bite humans
  7. He wags his tail in excitement to see you!
  8. For all you fishermen out there, you can relate to this snake. This member of Dipsadidae has rear fanged teeth that act as fish hooks for puncturing and capturing prey (like toads and salamanders)
  9. Important ecological niche
  10. Did I mention how stinking cute this little "puff adder" is?!
Play dead.. good boy!"To be or not to be, that is the question.."


Allison Welch said...

Definitely a winner in the drama category. What a mesmerizing performance!

Anonymous said...

Haha! I really like your recommendation and all those reasons you came up with! lol