Friday, April 25, 2014

A Mascot Who Will Make You Jump With Joy!

From the moment we stepped out of the classroom and into the field, one herp in particular has made it's presence known, rain or shine, crying out in repeated vocalizations (reminiscent of metal balls being clinked together) as if to say "PICK ME AS YOUR HERPETOLOGY LAB MASCOT!" 

Acris gryllus

Take one look at the net below if you need further proof that the southern cricket frog is jumping at the opportunity to be a part of our class. 

 This highly vocal frog  is a member of the Family Hylidae and is an avid jumper. Finding one is often as easy as looking down when you walk through a swampy trail, they spring out in every direction as if each one is trying to initiate its own game of tag with you. No matter how many you may catch, you'll never seem to get tired of playing a game of tag with your good 'ol buddy Acris gryllus.  

 Sometimes they like to play hide, taking advantage of the range of coloration found within the species, and they do fairly well at it when clad in suitably cryptic coloration. 

While others wear a brighter shade of green, standing out from the foliage and coming up to spend some time with their favorite herpetology students. 

It doesn't matter how well you are doing on lab quizzes 
or how much you were interested in this class going into it (or even if you're an 'indoor cat')... 
we can all identify and will always remember 
Acris gryllus 
and that's why it should be our class mascot!

1 comment:

Allison Welch said...

Definitely our most commonly found herp!