A local herp that we have not yet seen is the black rat snake (
Elaphe obsoleta). This one of Ohio's largest snake, reaching 4 to 6 feet in length. The chin and throat are a plain white or cream color. The scales are weekly keeled with dark stripes extending backwards from the eye to the mouth. They are excellent climbers and usually reside in the hollow trees, which is probably why we have not encountered them on our field study. If we had encountered this snake it would freeze in its position and attempt to blend into the environment. They would not attempt to move until they were first touched by rapidly vibrating their tail.
The black rat will often hibernate between March and May and will seek out the crevice of rocks with other snakes. The black rat will seek out mating partners from late April to Early June. They also play a central role in controlling destructive rodents.
(Anna Paraskos)
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