Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Lithobates sphenocephalus (southern leopard frog)

It was March 9Th at about 8:00 pm and it was the first warm night of the spring/summer. I just finished running when I decided tonight would be a great night to get one of my blog post done. I locked my puppy up and grabbed a flash light. I went back to the same place that brought me so much luck last time. This was my pool area. I heard several different frog calls. The calls being Pseudacris triseriata, Pseudacris crucifer and Lithobates spenocephalus. I started to graze over our pool cover with a flash light when I saw some movement under some leaves. I immediately ran over to see what it was and it happened to be this little guy. This guy is a part of the genus Lithobates and species name sphenocephalus. The common name being southern leopard frog. These frogs are mostly found in shallow, fresh waters and they are mostly nocturnal. They eat mostly insects and breeding occurs year round. The ironic thing about this find is that I have lived at my house for 10 years and have never seen this frog species. During the summer we have several different types of frogs hopping around our house, I just never stop and see how many different kinds. Now that I have found two different species I am interested to see how diverse my house is when dealing with frog species.
Lauren Trouy (Memphis, TN)

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