Sunday, May 1, 2011

GO GATORS GO!--The American Alligator: Class Mascot

In my opinion, I think that the American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) should be our classes mascot. It makes perfect sense--they are strong and determined animals, possessing unique adaptations for their environment, and were once a federally endangered species until they recovered and came back in numbers. To add on to this already fascinating list, these reptiles can exceed 60 years--longer than alot of humans. While they may be territorial and aggressive animals, they are an extremely important part of the environment in which they live. These gators have a tendency to dig holes that hold water during droughts obviously making them "Green" or conservation friendly, pretty neat if you ask me!

Fun facts you ask? When Spanish sailors visited the New World they thought that the alligator was a huge lizard, naming it el lagarto meaning 'the lizard." English sailors took this name as allagarter and over time it became the name we know today--alligator!

While it may seem as though alligators have an extremely slow metabolism due to large body size, these magnificent animals can exceed speeds of 3omph that come and go in short bursts--WATCH OUT!

(Samantha Reeves, Charleston SC)