Thursday, May 1, 2008

SC mystery herp #11

Hey SC herpers - Anybody want to comment on this "find" from our aquarium field trip?

1 comment:

Herpetology Class said...

I was going to leave this one to someone else for fairness sake, but since it's very near the midnight deadline, I don't think I'm in too much danger of blog hogging! I think this is Pantherophis (previously Elaphe) obsoleta quadrivittata, or the Yellow Rat Snake. As shown, it has four dark stripes on a background of dark olive-gray. Its scales are also weakly keeled and the anal plate is divided. A cross-section of their bodies looks similar to a loaf of bread, instead of rounded, as in most other snakes.

In addition to body shape, you can also differentiate rat snakes from
coachwhips and black racers because these snakes have smooth scales. Water snakes ( Nerodia sp.) have strongly keeled scales.

-Rick Ranalli