A couple weeks ago our class went out to Francis Marion Forrest, in South Carolina, to search for amphibians. After some failed attempts, we finally came across a VERY dirty body of water. Here is what we found...isn't he cute?
After consulting our field guides, we identified him as Ambystoma talpoideum (the mole salamander). In these pictures, you can clearly see the shape of his tail and his external gills.
Enjoy!- hope you find him as cute as I did! --Kim Alford
So, I'm not really sure why it posted down the side like that. It didn't in the preview. The beginning of that entry says:
A couple weeks ago our class went...
Just in case you couldn't read it- SORRY!
I was so excited to see this little guy! Finally a herp in the Sewee Woods! It was great to also see the quite large Alligator mississippiensis on the banks as well.
Great catch Kim!
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